Saturday, September 6, 2014

I grew a baby!

When we decided we wanted to start a family, we never thought it would happen so quick! I had been cramping for a week before my scheduled period and decided that since that was not normal I would take a test. So on October 12th Tyler went to the store and picked up some super cheap pregnancy tests. They came back positive. But I wanted to be sure and despite Tyler telling me it didn't matter what kind of test I used...he went anyway and picked up another, more expensive test. He is so patient with me :) This test also came back positive and said I was probably about 2-3 weeks along. I was super excited. I wanted to try and surprise my parents when they came to Rexburg in December, but I can't hold a secret in. I told Hope first and she was so excited for us! Despite wanting to keep the secret from my parents, I just couldn't. So at about 5 weeks pregnant I told them. So exciting :)

8 weeks 6 days
We set up our first appointment to see our baby. I was nervous but excited to see. The tech found him quickly and said everything was looking good and that i was further along than I thought I was.

10-11 weeks

The first trimester was rough, but not as rough as some people's first trimester. I felt sick, but never really threw up. I had meat aversions and got sick even thinking about meat. I craved orange juice. I ate what I could stomach. I eventually craved KFC. Not the healthiest option, but it was so good!
16 weeks
 Around 17 weeks I felt and saw movement. It was a little but enough that Tyler could feel. I probably could feel movement before but mistook it for other things.
19 weeks
                                                 19 weeks 5 days 
During this ultra sound  we found out we were having a boy! I wasnt sure what we were having and my mind changed every day. I was wrong however, I thought we were having a girl. Tyler was confident we were having a boy. He was right!

During the second trimester, I could eat whatever I wanted without feeling sick. It was wonderful! The only problem was that I had to eat alllll the time or I would feel sick. 
22 weeks 4 days

25 weeks 4 days

29 weeks
 The third trimester was not to bad as well. While he definitely was a mover and kept me up at night, I loved it. I still had to eat a lot to keep my blood sugar up, but overall it was pretty smooth sailing. Dallin loved to kick me at night when I first laid down to sleep. Every day I loved watching him move. It was definitely my favorite part.
31 weeks 4 days

32 weeks

34 weeks 5 days
 I started getting braxton hicks that were stronger around this period. I had them since 20 weeks, but water always helped. I would guzzle water. Its amazing what being hydrated can do for a pregnant woman. But water didnt help too much around this period. They werent really frequent, but i definitely could tell I was getting them.
36 weeks
37 weeks 2 days
 My mom came and helped me get ready since I was dilated to a 1.5 and 80% effaced at my 36 week appointment. It didnt slow down either. My 37 week appointment I dilated to a 2.5 and was still 80% effaced. I didnt make it to my 38 week appointment though, because the baby decided he was ready!
38 weeks 3 days
Here is the last picture I took. It was right before heading out the door to the hospital.

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