June 4, 2014
My mom was gone with my Aunt Judy to go on a hike. She texted me early that morning and asked if she was okay to go because she didnt want to go and miss out on the birth. I told her yes she could go. I had had an ok night. Sure I had some burning in my lower abdomen and frequent braxton hicks, but that had happened before. However, I woke up like a half hour later and sat up. The moment I did so, I felt a little pop. I wasnt sure what happened but i knew i was leaking fluid. Turns out my water had broke and my burning, crampy feelings turned into pain that was happening frequently. So i texted my mom to hurry and come back to our apartment. I was feeling contractions every 4 minutes for quite a while. They made me stop and bed over to ease the pain.
I hadnt packed anything because I was in denial that I would have my baby early, despite what everyone else thought. So Tyler helped me pack and get everything ready. Around 9 AM we went to the hospital and went to triage to be monitored. My contractions had slowed at this point but they were still happening. The checked to see if my water had broken, and indeed it had. So they checked me in around 10 AM. I was still only 2.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced.
The nurse came back and we did some practice pushes. She said I was a great pusher and would have Dallin out in no time. Once the doctor was in, the ball got rolling. Three pushes per contraction feels like a lot, but it didnt take long and Dallin was born!At 1:13 PM he entered the world. He came out and cried and peed. I didnt even know he was out till they told me...I was still pushing haha. The epidural sure did its job!
The nurse wiped him off a little then placed him on my chest. It was such a special moment. I finally got to see my baby after 9 months! Finally the wait was over and I got to see what a little Tyler/Jackie looks like. And I gotta say, we make a cute baby ;). Tyler and I loved him instantly. It really is an amazing experience and feeling to see your baby for the first time.
6 pounds 8 ounces and 18 inches long.
My dad was able to fly out and see Dallin on that day. And I am so glad he did!
It was an honor and a privilege to be there for you guys. Shout out to your Dad for making it possible for me to be there. Thank you for letting me share in this wonderful moment. You and Tyler are truly amazing and I look forward to watching you raise our Grandson!!