Wednesday, December 11, 2019

4 months

Height: 25.5 in
Weight: 14.4 lbs

Evan is 4 months old! He was moved to his own room and sort of started to sleep better. We had a couple nights where he only woke 2 times! But he still has nights of waking constantly. Napping is getting better, he will take some naps I'm his crib now! The boys feel like Evan is always sleeping because I am constantly telling them to go play in the basement and be quiet. 

Evan had his first long road trip, and he did well! He didn't cry much and slept most of the time. Towards the end of the trip, he started to get inconsolable, so we took an exit to feed him. As soon as the car started slowing, he stopped crying and smiled really big when I started to undo his seatbelt. 

We get some laughs out of him, but no big belly laughs yet! He watches our every move and gets a little stranger danger when others hold him. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

3 months

 Height: about 25 inches
Weight: about 13.2 pounds

Evan is a little bit of a stinker when it comes to sleep. Some nights he wakes up every two hours. He has only given a couple good night's where he only wakes twice. We feel very sleep deprived at our house! All naps are either in the swing or in our arms. 

He loves to smile, in the mornings especially. Tyler has gotten some little giggles out of him. He loves his play mat and the lights that shine to the music. 

Tummy time is not a favorite. He is tolerating it more and more but it ends in screaming. He wants to be held always!

He has started crying when being held by others, stranger danger is starting young!

Friday, October 11, 2019

2 months

Height: 23 in
Weight: 11 lbs. 7 oz

Evan is 2 months old! He smiles all the time, especially in the mornings. He loves to be held and will stop crying almost instantly once picked up. 

Sleep is not happening at our house anymore. He wakes up constantly. He most likely has silent reflux and I think that could be the problem.

Evan coo's all the time! It's adorable. Dallin got excited when Evan cooed out a "Hi". Dallin was positive it was Evan's first word and was happy that he got to hear it!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

One month old

 Height: 21.5 inches
Weight: 9.8 lbs

Evan is one month old! He is a pretty content little guy. He does cry but only to be held. He stops immediately as soon as we pick him up. He has been pretty sleepy and we have had to try hard to keep him awake to eat! However, night times  he is up every 1.5-2 hours. I feel very, very tired this time around! He doesnt seem to have reflux like his brothers did, he just doesnt like being alone.

Evan loves the swing and being in the wrap. He loves to sleep on his daddy's chest in the mornings. He is a big cuddler. His brothers are a little interested in him. Grayson likes to pet Evan's head and Dallin will show Evan his toys occasionally.

At one month old, Evan is in size one diapers! We had to move him up a little early because he kept peeing out of his newborn diapers. His newborn onsies are snug and so he has been moved up to his size 3 month clothes even if they are a bit baggy. He is growing fast!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Height: 29.5 in
Weight: 18 lbs 5 oz

Grayson turned ONE! He is just as giggly as could be. He doesn't really talk but he does babble "dadadada" a lot. Another one he does all the time is "mmhmmm". He is sleeping through the night for the most part now and takes 2 naps a day. He is loving being on the move! He is getting much more opinionated and also more frustrated that he cant pull himself up onto things. But we are working on it and I can already see improvements. He loves being around family and new people make him stick his hands up to his ears. He is definitely a shy boy! We love our Grayson!

Favorite foods:
+ Cheerios
+ Bananas
+ Blueberries
+ Graham Crackers
+ Greek Yogurt
+ Peas
+ Fries

He likes:
+ Army crawling around and exploring
+ Being chased 
+ Dallin's Foxes
+ Wheels on toy cars
+ Pushing buttons on the keyboard
+ Touch and feel books

11 months old

We were in Oregon when Grayson turned 11 months and I didn't have his bear to do a comparison picture with. But we have these cute ones instead!

Grayson still wakes 1 time a night but is easy to get back to sleep. He still takes 2 naps a day and he definitely needs them! This kid likes his sleep. 

Some of his favorite foods this month were blueberries. He also really likes Greek yogurt! Some nights that is all he would eat. 

He really started exploring this month! He learned how to army crawl and he loved to explore grandma and grandpa's house. He uses his head to push things out of the way (swiveling chairs) and gets mad if they don't move. He started fighting back a little if Dallin took a toy/food away from him. He definitely is showing a preference to what he wants to do and lets us know even more when he is unhappy. 

Another big improvement we saw this month was that he started taking steps when we hold his hands above his head. Grandpa worked with him and now he loves to walk around with help. Now he sometimes doesn't want to sit down and will make himself stiff as a board to avoid it!

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dallin is 3!

Height: 37 inches
Weight: 30.4 pounds

 This big guy is 3! If you ask him how old he is, he will hold up his fingers and show you and will most likely ask you "how many numbers" you are. He is such a personable little guy. He loves anyone and everyone! Everyone loves him to. Anyone who meets Dallin loves his personality and of course his hair.

Dallin is a smarty! He knows all his colors, can count to 10, and surprises us everyday with his questions and what he knows. He can name any construction vehicle and will correct you if you are wrong. I just love having conversations with him when he is calm enough to talk with me. This guy has a lot of energy so its hard to get him to focus. But when i can, the conversations are adorable and really show off what he thinks about.

He is very independent and often if we help him with anything he gets mad and will do it all over again just so he can do it all himself. He has really been taking to Grayson lately and will help Grayson be happy when he is sad. He loves to give Grayson hugs and kisses and lately has been wanting to hold Grayson more. He is such a good brother!

Dallin is also very patient. At the park if he is waiting his turn he will say "that's okay, I'll wait!" and then will stand there. He is also very polite! He is always saying "please" and "thank you". He is very patient with his mommy when I have to care for Grayson.


+Going through the carwash

+ Old McDonald, I am a Child of God, Barges

+ Talking!

+Going to nursery at church

+ His balance bike and helmet

+ Fruit (strawberries, apples, oranges)

+ Cereal as a snack

+ Construction vehicles

+ Playing hide and seek with daddy

+ Going to the park and swinging!

+ Secret Life of Pets and Zootopia

+ Noodles or as you say it "doodles"

We just love you, Dallin!